Departmental Ordering for prints 12×18 and smaller Order Form Step 1 of 5 20% Department name:* Project title:* Delivery method:* Will pick up Please deliver Delivery building and room number:* Contact person:* First Last Primary phone:*Will the order be paid with RSO (Registered Student Organization) funds?* Yes, I understand that my order will need approved at the Cougar Card Center prior to production (BPPM 70.18) No, I'm not using RSO Funds Workday Program, Gift, or Grant number:* Memo or Billing Reference Expenditure authority:* First Last The person listed above has signature authority on the budget number listed above. Authorized by first and last name.Additional phone:Number of originals:* Email address:* Number of copies per original:* Date needed:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Color or B&W:* Color Black & White Administrative Service Fee will be added where applicable. *AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE GIVES COUGPRINTS PLUS PERMISSION TO PRINT/COPY ALL MATERIAL PROVIDED. Paper:Specify color and weight in other instructions below. Please refer to our sample book for assistance. 8½ x 11 20# White 8½ x 11 Other 8½ x 14 11 x 17 Specify color and weight in other instructions below. Please refer to our sample book for assistance.Specify color and weight in other instructions below. Please refer to our sample book for assistance. 8½ x 11 8½ x 14 11 x 17 Other Specify color and weight in other instructions below. Please refer to our sample book for assistance. 24# Premium White Coated Text Coated Cover Print front only Print front and back Print per sample Specific Paper Instructions:If you need an estimate, please call 509-335-1647.If you need an estimate, please call 509-335-1647. Binding: Collate 3-Hole punch Staple upper left Saddle stitch - booklet Staple landscape Staple 2 down side No staple Comb bind Coil bind No Bind Cutting Laminating If you need an estimate, please call 509-335-1647.If you need an estimate, please call 509-335-1647. Folding: Letter fold Z fold Half fold Double parallel fold Special fold, please specify No fold Special fold instructions: If you need an estimate, please call 509-335-1647.If you need an estimate, please call 509-335-1647. Other Instructions:If you need an estimate, please call 509-335-1647.If you need an estimate, please call 509-335-1647.You are encouraged to submit any files electronically in a compressed archive. Winzip is recommended to send the files in a useable format. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 100 MB. If your file is over 100 Megabytes, please call us at 509-335-1647 to arrange a delivery method for your electronic data.You are encouraged to submit any files electronically in a compressed archive. Winzip is recommended to send the files in a useable format. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 100 MB. If your file is over 100 Megabytes, please call us at 509-335-1647 to arrange a delivery method for your electronic data.After submitting your order, please call 509-335-1647 to verify your order. This order has been submitted to our CougPrints Plus location in the Compton Union Building (CUB).After submitting your order, please call 509-335-1647 to verify your order.Untitled First Choice Second Choice Third Choice